
Campus News


2024-08-25 作者:  国际教育学院

作为大连东软信息学院和澳大利亚昆士兰大学的年度科技创新盛事,Start-up China项目在2024年的盛夏如期而至。该项目在两校的共同努力下已成功举办五届,其影响力与日俱增,也标志着两校合作迎来新的里程碑。五年来,已累计有136名澳大利亚学生和70余名大东软学子通过该项目开展“IT+创新”实践。

2024 Start-up China项目以“AI启航,创新无界”为主题,以激发更多创新思维,推动AI的更多尝试与更快发展。来自昆士兰大学的14名学生和我校17名学生组成共同学习课堂,在项目导师的指导下围绕“智慧城市与智慧生活”这一主题,在为期四周的时间里展开“IT+创新”项目实践,并最终形成创业项目,进行汇报路演。














本次活动是我校在学术和文化交流上的创新与持续探索,更是多国青年才俊沟通与学习的桥梁。回顾整个项目历程,Start-up China国际IT创新实践项目不仅为中外学子提供了一个展示自我、实现梦想的舞台,更促进了两国青年之间的文化交流与思想碰撞。项目的成功举办也是对两校合作成果的一次全面展示。在未来的日子里,Start-up China项目将以开放包容的姿态迎接来自世界各地的创新力量。怀揣梦想与激情的青年才俊们将在科技与创新的道路上勇往直前,为共同推动科技的发展与应用贡献力量。




Travis Neil Graham:Over the past month, living in China has enriched me with unforgettable personal and professional growth experiences. I've treasured every moment immersed in the rich and diverse culture of Dalian. Working closely with the mentors at Dalian Neusoft University of Information has equipped us with the essential skills of an entrepreneur as we all aspire and work towards launching our own ventures. Furthermore, collaborating in an international team with students from DNUI has been a privilege, and I know I speak on for all from The University of Queensland when I say that we've forged lasting friendships. Reflecting on my time here in Dalian, I am grateful to the staff and students of DNUI for hosting the program.

Elliot Bailey:I and thirteen other students from the University of Queensland had the privilege of participating in the Dalian Neusoft University of Information Start-Up China Program this year. Many of us had never visited China before – and a few had never travelled overseas at all – so we didn’t know exactly what to expect. However, we were so fortunate to experience the most incredible hospitality of Dalian and the staff and students of DNUI. I think the structure of this program was excellent. Although the technical project was interesting, the diversity in daily activities and many visits to other places made the trip so worth going on. We felt that we explored Dalian as thoroughly as we could have, and in the process, we learned a great amount about China, its people, food, history, economy and culture. It was also a lot of fun to be able to go on excursions such as the Sunasia Ocean World, Dalian Forest Zoo and Lvshun. The best part of this trip was of course the people. We were so lucky to have lucky guide us around on our adventures, and of course Hannah too. Our lecturers Ai, Marvin and Klaus were all so knowledgeable and approachable. Our fellow students Leslie, Johnny, Marina and Alec were so friendly, and we felt honoured to spend our time in Dalian with them too. Thanks must also be given to all the other staff and students, including the guests for the cultural activities and lecturers, the DNUI administration staff, the project mentors and the other students who participated in the program. We are all so grateful for everyone’s time, friendship and hospitality.We hope to see you all again in the future!



项目背景介绍澳大利亚昆士兰大学始建于1909年,是一所位于澳大利亚昆士兰州的公立综合性大学,是澳大利亚八大名校所组成的澳大利亚八校联盟(Group of Eight)的成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前三名。在2024QS世界大学排名中,该校排名全球第43位。我校与昆士兰大学自2015年起建立合作关系,除Start-up China项目外,我校学生还可以通过国际教育学院申请赴昆士兰大学进行本科2+2学习或本升硕学习。